How can I use my gifs on IG?
If you have a verified GIPHY account, you can use your gifs right there on IG by just typing in a keyword in the search bar.
Someone without a verified GIPHY account can still have gifs that they use on IG, but they would need to copy and paste the gifs into their stories vs being able to do it within the IG app.
Can other people use my gifs on IG?
Yes, if you have a verified GIPHY account. With a verified GIPHY account your gifs are able to be searched for and used on any platform that as GIPHY integration, such as Instagram and TikTok.
Can GIFs only be used on social media?
Nope! Once you have your .GIF files you can use them on your website, in emails, newsletters, and even text messages.
What does the design process look like?
Don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs on Instagram or reach out right here and can chat and see if I’m the artist for you. If I am that girl then we move on to the design process. I’ve laid that out in full detail here.
Is the artwork you designed mine to use?
If you love the artwork that I have created and turned into a GIF for you and would like to use it for other promotional items let’s chat! If it’s not something I can help you with, or you would just prefer to take the file elsewhere you can purchase the artwork separate from the GIF.
Is there anything you can’t do?
Yes, keep a clean house. But thankfully I’ve got the lovely folks at Bride and Broom Cleaning Services LLC to help me with that!